Seniors Program

Eastview offers a wide variety of programs and services to both English and Chinese speaking Seniors. The goal of all of our seniors services is to help seniors live a more full and active life and to provide them with information and referral services to help them cope with daily life.

Our seniors are vital, active and involved in the community. Senior Advisory Groups for both English & Chinese seniors meet to plan and evaluate all outings, events and services offered. Services are provided in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

  • Form filling

    Income tax preparation help

    Translation and interpretation

    Telephone security checks

    Counselling, casework, and referrals

  • Exercise classes

    Special interest clubs & workshops (computer, games, bingo)

    Cantonese Opera Program (self-support group)


    Day trips, luncheons and special events

    Community gardening, cooking & workshops

    Escort shopping


·        9:00am – 5:30pm on site at Eastview, Case work by appointment only

·        11:00 - 2:00 pm Bingo & Light Lunch at Eastview (for info call Pat at 416-392-2277)

·        9:30am – 12:00pm Karaoke Program at 369 Pape Ave. social recreational room (369 Pape Ave. Tenants only)

·        Security checks by phone and in person for most vulnerable seniors


·        9:30am – 12:00pm at 369 Pape Ave.; social recreational program, case work (by appointment), family visiting

·        1:00pm – 2:30pm on site at Eastview

·        3:00am – 5:30pm at 145 Strathmore Blvd.; social recreational program, case work (by appointment), family visiting


·        9:30am – 12:00pm Karaoke programs at Eastview

·        1:15pm – 2:45pm Line dancing at Eastview

·        Case work (by appointment)


·        9:30am – 12:00pm at 369 Pape Ave.; social recreational program, case work (by appointment), family visiting

·        Security checks by phone and in person for most vulnerable seniors

·        Case work (by appointment)


·        11:00 - 2:00 pm Bingo & Light Lunch at Eastview (for info call Pat at 416-392-2277)


·        9:30am – 3:30pm on site at Eastview - Cantonese Opera program

·        Security checks by phone and in person for most vulnerable seniors

·        Case work (by appointment)

Senior's Activity Calendar

For more information please contact Grace Chen - - 416 392 1759 x 312